To God Be The Glory
Fanny Jane Crosby | Jonathan Veira | Mark Edwards
Written by one of the most prolific female hymn writers Fanny Crosby in 1872, reinterpreted by Jonathan Veira & Mark Edwards. Lyrically contextualised for more modern congregations, the new tune, to be sung with joy and verve at a steady pace, aligns perfectly with the hymn's message.
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
(What a friend we have in Jesus)
Joseph Scriven Medlicott | Pete James
Fusing together a fresh upbeat melody over Joseph Medlicott Scriven's original lyrics and adding a chorus has been embraced by many a congregation. Writer Pete James hopes it will 'awaken prayer in people and the simplicity of prayer.' An excellent example of the familiar and the new blending harmoniously.
And Can It Be
(And Can It Be That I Should Gain)
Charles Wesley | Jonathan Veira
Originally written in 1738 by Charles Wesley to celebrate his conversion. This beautiful new tune written by Jonathan Veira ebbs and flows perfectly with the lyrics.
We Have an Anchor
Phil Moore & Colin Webster re-work this anthemic hymn, keeping the original chorus line but adding a fresh melody and additional words to the verses. A stirring hymn with a captivating message - Jesus is our anchor!
Here Is Love
(Dyma Gariad (Here Is Love))
Cath Woolridge | Hannah Barnes | Jess Morgan | Robert Lowry | William Edwards | William Rees
First penned by William Rees in 1847 and later associated with the 1904-1905 Welsh revival, Cath Woolridge and Sound Of Wales have contemporised the arrangement. Adding a melodic motif as an introduction and before each verse, together with a bridge declaring 'It’s just the beginning, now is the time, flow through the valleys, life giving tide' offer a prophetic and upliting energy.
Abide With Me
Henry Francis Lyte | William Henry Monk | Steve Parsons
Steve Parsons version recorded on 'Hymns To Light The Way' is dressed in more intimate, soulful attire. Written by Henry Francis Lyte and most often sung to William Henry Monk's tune 'Eventide', Parson's adaptation is thoughtfully arranged and can be useful to play in services for meditation.
Immortal Invisible
Adapted from the original hymn, Tom McConnell's version is upbeat with new verse lyrics and a chorus thanking God for immeasurable joy, love and peace. A song to unite all ages.
Amazing Grace (Auld Lang Syne)
Probably the most recorded hymn of all time and certainly one of the greatest. Colin Webster has added additional lyrics and set this powerful hymn to the Scottish folksong 'Auld Lang Syne'. To be sung slowly and reflectively with a key change towards the end to help it soar.
It Is Well
(Grander earth has quaked before)
Philip Paul Bliss | Kristene DiMarco | Horatio Gates Spafford
Popular reworking of beloved hymn 'It Is Well With My Soul' is written by Kristene DiMarco with Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss receiving posthumous credits. With a totally new musical perspective and structure, the highly singable new chorus and featurette of the original chorus combine superbly.
How Sweet The Name
Anna Brading | Simon Brading | John Newton
Wonderfully adapted by Anna & Simon Brading from John Newton's original. The new version includes an additional chorus and stylistically fits into the dance genre, rebirthing the hymn into a new generation of worshippers.