Verse 1
If you want to know why Noah built a boat
Why Joseph had a very special coat
How God took dust and gave it life
Made Adam and then Eve his wife
Where can you find all these amazing things
Look in the Bible the Bible
The B I B L E the B I B L E
Look in the Bible the Bible
God's book He's given to you and me
Verse 2
If you want to know why
Samson was long-haired
Why Daniel with the lions was not scared
Jacob dreaming of a ladder
Moses' stick turned to an adder
Where can you find all these amazing things
Verse 3
If you want to know
Why God sent plagues of flies
Why Joshua sent out a team of spies
How David wrote the Psalms we sing
Where can you find all these amazing things
CCLI: 2655929
Genre / Suitable For

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