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Everything And Everyone Made New

Sam Hargreaves | Bob Hartman
Verse 1
James and John were fishermen
Till Jesus came their way
Come follow me he saidand so they did
Then for the next three years
They wandered with him every day
And learned from all he said and how he lived
Verse 2
John was standing watching on the day that
Jesus died
And took his weeping mother Mary home
Then three days later hurried quickly
Right at Peter's side
To gaze amazed at Jesus' empty tomb
Chorus 1
It was the start of
Everything and everyone made new
Everything and everyone made new
Verse 3
John was in the room when
Jesus showed his hands and side
John was on the beach when he cooked trout
John was on the hill when Jesus rose into the sky
And disappeared from sight into the clouds
Verse 4
John was with the others when the Holy Spirit came
And gave them different languages to talk
John was at the gate when Peter had no silver coins
And with God's power made a lame man walk
Chorus 2
It was a sign of
Everything and everyone made new
Everything and everyone made new
Verse 5
Many years went by and all of
John's companions died
Killed for everything that they believed
While John was sent in exile to an
Island place called Patmos
Lying somewhere off the coast of Greece
Verse 6
And that's where Jesus came to John
Appearing in a vision
Full of pictures bold and strange and true
He wrote the whole thing down
It's called the book of Revelation
It showed John all that God would one day do
Chorus 3
It was a story of
Everything and everyone made new
Everything and everyone made new
Verse 7
He watched the heavens pass away
He saw the earth go too
He bid farewell to seas that crash and foam
And in their place a new earth came
New seas and heavens too
A brand new place God's people could call home
Verse 8
And then a new Jerusalem came down from heaven high
Pretty as a bride about to wed
Dressed to meet her husband and
Stand there by his side
And then God spoke and this is what he said
Chorus 4
My dwelling place is now with men
That's where I choose to live
And I will wipe away my people's tears
For death will die and mourning
Cries will never more be heard
And all that causes pain will disappear
Chorus 5
For I am the beginning and yes I am the end
And giving living water's what I do
So come and drink and be refreshed
Watch me and you will see
Everything and everyone made new
Chorus 6
Everything and everyone made new
Everything and everyone made new
CCLI: 7124768

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