Love set me free
The God of Heaven walked the earth for me
Purchased by blood
My life has known the kiss of Heaven's love
One day I will stand in Heaven
And I will see my Saviour face to face
With angels I'll worship You forever
I'm welcomed home a sinner saved by grace
Verse 2
Love beckons me
The trophies of this life
Won't mean a thing
Each day on earth complete
Takes me closer 'til we dance
On golden streets forever
I'm alive for such a time as this
I'm alive for such a time as this
I'm alive for such a time as this
Verse 3
I'll run with faith
I'll run with perseverance
Through this race
While Heaven cheers my name
And yes I know to live is Christ
To die is gain I'm singing
2006 Elevation (Admin. by Elevation