Immortal invisible God only wise
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes
Most Holy most glorious the Ancient of Days
Almighty victorious thy great name we praise
Verse 2
Though weary and helpless and dead in our sin
Lord Jesus you came to redeem us again
Your blood is our righteousness for we have none
Your great resurrection our victory won
Verse 3
Now we find joy in all you've made
Now we know peace because you save
Now we know life because you live
All in the grace you give
Verse 4
No longer condemned or as sinner's reviled
Great Saviour your blood means we are reconciled
To the Father who'll see us as spotless and clean
For clothed in your righteousness
We'll stand complete
Verse 5
O Spirit of Christ come alive inside me
And show the great power that has set me free
Once orphans we now are called daughters and sons
And co-heirs with Christ whom salvation has won
Song Solutions Daybreak (Admin. by Song Solutions